PASTOR'S PAGE..........................................................AUGUST  2024

The Apostle Paul directs us not to be unaware about those who left this life trusting in God. Why? “So you will not grieve like others, as those without hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). So, we are reminded, once more, of this sobering certainty: The death of someone we love saddens and hurts us.

The death of another causes us to mourn—yet our grief is different from the rest of the world. How so? The God-become-flesh joins Himself to those whom He brings into His Church, which is divine union stronger than any death. So, in Christ, eternal life trumps death!

Now, today, the fulfillment of this still awaits us, which is why we “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we undergo now is compared to a reflection in a mirror. Not so after we rise from the dust, which the Bible expresses as being with God, face-to-face (1 Corinthians 13:12).

So, we weep, each in his own way. Did not Jesus also do so after Lazarus died (John 11:35). Yes! This means a funeral does not somehow turn into a “victory celebration,” empty of sadness. For Jesus did not celebrate Lazarus’ death but ached in anguish!

A few minutes passed, and then He raises Lazarus from death. In doing do, Jesus points us to the real triumph—the body called away from the remains of our death into life everlasting (John 11:25, 33-34)! Still today, God gives us “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

God never created us to die. The reason death can claim us is because of sin’s carnage inside us. Now, through “wordsmithing,” we may try to deny the reality of death by not using the word “funeral” and calling it a “celebration,” instead. To reject something through a verbal smokescreen, however, does not change reality.

In honesty, admit the heartache of death, which takes our breath away. Not to do so is living in denial. Yes, we grieve, but we do not allow our sadness to rob us of the assurance Jesus provides to us. For our returning Lord will reunite our souls with perfected, resurrected bodies! Yes, on the Last Day, death will be swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54).

The Almighty Father, through His Son, in the Holy Spirit, will call forth the dead from their graves.

So, if someone tells you not to shed tears after a person you love dies, don’t listen. Such words are nonsense and go against the truth God teaches us. Consider Jesus. Didn’t He hurt inside because Lazarus lay in the tomb (John 11:35)? Yes! The prophet Elisha also tore his clothing when mourning Elijah’s passing—after God took him straight into His glorious presence (2 Kings 2:12).

Now, if someone is no more in this vale of sorrow, why do we still feel sad if the person we love is in a “better place”? Here’s why—because we still experience loss.

Underneath our sorrow, however, we anticipate the reunion to come in all eternity. This undergirds us even while we grieve. In Spirit-given belief, we recognize God’s promises are true. So, united to our Redeemer’s dying and rising through baptism, His resurrection to life become ours (Romans 6:3-5). The Lord’s salvation for us is not only for our souls but also for our bodies!

“The Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God.” The day this happens, Jesus will raise our fallen flesh, with those still alive also called to come before Him. “First, the dead in Christ will ascend, followed by us who are still alive, who will be carried up into the clouds to meet the Lord in the sky. In this way, we will always be with the Lord. So, comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

The resurrection is our real solace. For our current body, corrupted and infected with sin, will betray us, which is why we age, become ill, and die.  Not so when our Savior returns! What we stare at in the mirror failing before us each day is not our eternal reality.  For death cannot break our fellowship with God. The Savior’s solution for our flesh, which will die in death, is a recreated one, which will rise and soar in triumph at His return.

So, we console one another with words. Which words? The spoken Word of how Jesus saves us, which we need! For never do we outgrow what He did and does to defeat death, proclaimed to us as we journey toward eternity in this failing and fallen world.


Thus, Scripture tells us to gather in assembly, to encourage one other, more so as we find the Day getting closer (Hebrews 10:25). When death strikes, you can be ready. For the Spirit-breathed words of our life-giving Lord will reassure and enliven you. The Lord will bring you into the fullness of joy unending, which no one can take away. The sureness of what He will do enables you to cry out this prayer: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

Pastor Wagner


Church Offering Income for the Month of June 2024:  $$8,357.98.



Sarah Morris              1                    Dillon Damme             17

Marilyn Kite                3                    Ethel Hartman             18

Krista Reynolds        3                    Rosemary Niemeier  18

Denise McAllister   7                    Carolyn Bennett          20

Kim Franzen               8                    Jim Nelson                       20

Betsy Spilker              8                    Shirley Neumann          24

Cameron Meyer      9                    Dean Damme                  25

Fred Swartz               10                  Jane Niemeier                28

Kent Cunningham  12


Delores Wollenburg       5               Denise McAllister      19

Logan Damme                    11            Jerry Larmeu                 23

Sarah Morris                       12            Tyler Malchow              27

Lyvia Nickel                          14             Pamela Niemeier        28

Kim Franzen                         18            Rosemary Niemeier  30 


Tom/Sandra Brandt                        6                                    Brinn/Cyndie* Remmenga      20

David/Rosemary Niemeier        8                                     Jim/Carolyn Nelson                   23

Jerry/Melissa Larmeu                  11                                   Jack/Regan* Spilker                   28

Allen/Karen Pfingsten                   20


June 30 - Lyle Osborn,  Lenexa, KS; Dianna Bannister; Bill Spilker witih Dax & Eloise; Josh/Jessie, Juniper & Hosiah Hsu - Austin, TX; Dianna Bannister - Omaha.

  July 7 - Josh/Jessie, Juniper & Josiah Hsu - Austin, TX; Lyle Osborn - Lenexa, KS; Paul Merriman - Beatrice, NE; Carson/Daphne & Clayton Stewart - DeWitt, NE.         

July 14 - Josh/Jessie, Juniper & Josiah Hsu - Austin, TX.



The meeting was called to order by President Russell Behrends at 8:30 p.m.  Pastor Wagner gave a devotion from Luke Chapter 14.  Ten members were present.    The minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting was approved as printed.

Financial Secretary Report - Ron Malchow presented the Financial Report.  General income for the May General Fund was $10,416.25, with total income at $10,639.39.  The Savings balance was $83,599.18.  There was a question regarding a Thrivent Grant of $538.00.

Treasurer Report - was provided by Kyle Spilker.  His report showed a 5/31/24 balance of $51,541.31.  May expenses totaled $10,913.32.  Income from the Financial Secretary totaled $10,639.39.  The beginning balance as of 5/1/24 was $51,794.50.

(Financial Reports are attached.)

Dave Barnard moved to approve the Financial Reports.  The motion was seconded by Ron Malchow and carried.

Elder's Report - Dean Damme.  Next month's meeting will be held July 9, 2024 with the Elders' Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and the Council Meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Pastor Fritz of Hanover will be in the pulpit on June 16th.

Pastor's Report - Pastor Wagner.  The Concordia Health Plan will decrease about 3% on average for the next year.

Trustee's Report - Jim Nelson.   Matt Brott reported that VanLanninghams will start July 1st on church repairs.  Mr. Nelson reported the Trustees will be working on window frame painting.  Concrete has bee patched around the property.

Stewardship/Board of Education Report - John Niemeier.  John provided registration and tuition quotes for 2024-2025 from St. Paul's Plymouth and St. Paul's Luthearn of Beatrice. (attached)  - the difference between St. Paul's Beatrice member verses non-member is $1,530.00/year.

Cemetery Sexton - David Faulder - Not Present.

Unfinished Business - None presented.

New Business - The 150th First Trinity Anniversary Committee has set June 15, 2025 as the big celebration event Sunday.  Pastor Rockenbach of St. Louis will be the guest clergy.

A motion was made by Dean Damme to adjourn, seconded by Ron Malchow.  Motion carried.  The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer at 8:48 p.m.  

Members present were:  Dave Barnard, Russell Behrends, Pastor Wagner, James Hahn, John Niemeier, Dean Damme, Ron Malchow, Brent Niemeier, Jim Nelson and Kyle Spilker.

Respectfully submitted Dave Barnard, Secretary Approved.




